Thursday, October 15, 2009

Vaadin Eclipse Plugin

Well I figured since Liferay will be bundling Vaadin in to the mix that I would get acquainted with it. I did the instructions at but deviated in the Vaadin version (I used 612) which made it apparently bomb. Hmmm... Oh well...

Eclipse: 3.4.1 - Ganymede
Went on to try the Eclipse plugin. What am I missing here?

I went to File -> New -> Vaadin Project and it does NOTHING. I have to go to File -> New -> Other -> Vaadin Project.

Chose the following options:
Configuration: Default Configuration
Deployment Configuration: Generic Portlet
(Vaadin version 6.1.2) Clicked the Download button

Hit Finish. Hit Cancel.

I have the default System Libs (which I could have gotten from creating a new Java Project). A look at the Build Path reveals I only have the JRE. (I would have thought the Vaadin jar file would have been there since afterall I did download it to god knows where) and in the src I have nothing (I thought I would have at least gotten a class with a GenericPortlet extension but I guess not).

At this point I'm completely clueless why on earth Liferay would choose to integrate this product. Since Vaadin uses GWT why not just use GWT? I'm not a fan of a GWT either because of the bloating but there's some cool tools for it at least.

I hope Liferay spins it's magic on this cause right now I'm sorely disappointed.


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